Meet & Listen Consulting Co.

I help startups meet new people and learn to listen.

Most startups have two related problems that never seem to completely go away. The first is that it's hard to find all of the new people you need to meet. You need people to test and buy your product, join your team, invest in your company, or become a partner. The second problem is that once you meet with these people you have to actually listen to them well enough to discern what they are saying, rather than just listening for what you want to hear. I'm here to help you get better at both.

Book a Free Intro Call

Let me start by listening to you. We'll work together to see if my help might be a fit for you and your startup.

Services Offered

I'm here to offer help as an extension of your founding team... but without the pesky need to give away more of your equity.

  • Fractional Chief of Staff, Head of Sales/Success, Business Development, People Ops

  • Directly book mission critical meetings with new customers, prospects, potential employees, advisors, counselors, investors, and partners

  • Customer discovery and product market fit testing

  • Partner development and ecosystem research and alignment

  • Executive recruiting, employee management, development, and training

  • Call recording reviews and scorecard building

Hi, I'm Tim.

I love meetings. It took me a long time to admit it, but at some point I realized that meetings were actually my favorite part of the work day.When most people tune out, I tune in.Learning to listen, and finding the right people to listen to, has been a core part of my startup-building career. I've been in the trenches of early-stage startups going from nothing to $5M+ ARR and have built and led teams across the startup org. My proudest accomplishment is helping to build a team that won multiple Best Places to Work awards, but I've also made mistakes that have led to layoffs and having to shut a business down. I've built brand new IoT solutions, executed new tech commercialization deals with public companies, sold accounting and ERP software, and even did a stint as an executive recruiter.Whatever you are dealing with - I'd love to try and help.